Energy Advisors Ontario (EAO) is a leading player in the energy consulting industry, offering cost-effective energy solutions to a diverse range of clients. EAO approached Light Lunch Media (LLM) with a goal to revamp their online presence, supercharge lead generation efforts, and expand their market reach.


EAO was facing several challenges, including:

  • An outdated website that did not effectively convert visitors into leads.
  • Inefficient Google Ads campaigns that were underperforming.
  • Disjointed lead generation processes, with no integration between CRM, email marketing, and lead routing.

Our Approach

EAO partnered with LLM to address these challenges and redefine their digital marketing strategy. Our approach involved:

1. Conversion-Centric Website Redesign:

  • LLM completely overhauled EAO's website to focus on conversion optimization.
  • The new funnel-based design ensured that every visitor was guided toward a clear conversion path.

2. Google Ads Optimization:

  • We created and optimized new Google Ads campaigns, ensuring that each ad was highly targeted and well-structured.
  • Better keyword selection and ad creative led to improved click-through rates and quality scores.

3. Seamless Integration:

  • We seamlessly integrated EAO's lead generation efforts with a robust CRM system.
  • Automated lead routing and personalized email marketing campaigns were implemented for a smoother lead management process.


The collaboration between EAO and LLM led to remarkable outcomes:

1. Drastic Decrease in Cost per Lead:

  • EAO witnessed a substantial reduction in their cost per lead, allowing them to acquire leads more efficiently.

2. Enhanced Funnel Conversion Rate:

  • The website's conversion-centric redesign resulted in a significant increase in the funnel conversion rate.

3. Improved Return on Ad Spend (ROAS):

  • LLM's optimization of Google Ads campaigns boosted EAO's ROAS, providing more value for their marketing budget.

Expansion and Growth

The improved efficiency in lead generation enabled EAO to hire additional staff and extend their operations into new territories, marking a significant milestone in their business expansion.


The transformation of Energy Advisors Ontario's digital strategy, with the guidance of Light Lunch Media, demonstrates the profound impact of a conversion-focused approach. By optimizing their website, refining Google Ads campaigns, and streamlining lead generation processes, EAO achieved remarkable results, setting the stage for further growth and success.

Stay tuned for the next case study, showcasing another incredible success story with Light Lunch Media.

Client Website

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